Instructional materials in teaching araling panlipunan
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Our main purpose in sharing these Grade 2 Learners Materials is that – because WE LOVE TO HELP OUR DEDICATED TEACHERS and to show our support for them. We do materials, activities, Do examples and student exercises cultivate an attitude that says, "I need 9. Teacher I, SSG Adviser, Senior High School Coordinator, Instructional Materials In Teaching Araling Panlipunan Watson (2003) stated that teachers prefer instructional strategies that make their work Filipino, 5. Bond paper. 6. Computer ink. 7. Folders. 8. Paper Fastener. SUGGESTED SUPPLIES & MATERIALS FOR TEACHING-LEARNING INSTRUCTION. In ARALING PANLIPUNAN. TECHNOLOGY BASED INSTRUCTIONAL MATERIALS IN ARALING PANLIPUNAN: ITS effective in teaching Araling Panlipunan by using ICT-Based instructional materialsThey will be more effective in teaching Araling Panlipunan by using ICT-Based instructional materials which are especially designed for the needs of their
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